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Subversive + Voiski on Construct Re-Form (FR)

Subversive releases his second EP on Construct Re-Form alongside Parisian operative Voiski. Their mission: Deception Plan.

Deception Plan is a plan of action executed by two operatives coordinating from two different cities, Los Angeles and Paris. The two locations brings together two different modes of music to form the plan. The operatives take camouflage in the plan, letting the music be at the center. The sound created by the plan is loaded with deep synths and driving drums with melodies that try to reach the subconscious, a type of psychological warfare. The operative at the Paris location is Doryan Javan, a discrete urban warrior and activist, formerly working as a night taxi driver. His musical activity is obscure and unknown. He is leaving in a south red banlieue of Paris, producing techno near his family and friends of the French electronic youth squad. The operative in Los Angeles is R. Hernandez aka Subversive. He has operated for projects like Historia and Violencia and currently participates with the droidbehavior infrastructure in L.A. since 2002, mixing under the codename Subversive. Hernandez creates a chord driven, dub influenced techno sound.

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